Beauty Hacks

Easy DIY Special effects Makeup for Beginners

I used to watch videos where SFX makeup artists would create these very mind blowing super realistic cuts and wounds, you know those crazy halloween makeup looks?

I would immediately get discouraged, not having access to the products that they used or feeling like I may never be able to create any of these looks, who can relate? (in Logic’s voice)

For my fellow SFX makeup beginners, I will be walking you through the process of creating a basic skin cut look using products that are not so out of reach so keep reading 🙂

And if you don’t know what I’m talking about keep reading too, you might just learn something new 😉

Firstly, you’ll need:

  • White glue
  • Foundation
  • Translucent powder
  • Eyeshadow palette (should contain black, brown, pink and red matte shades)
  • Red lipstick
  • Lipgloss
  • Toothpick (optional)
  • Makeup brushes

Step 1: Grab the white glue and apply to the skin

Step 2: Use a toothpick or a small makeup brush to separate and layer on the glue to form the cut, leave glue to dry

Step 3: Apply foundation to match the glue with your skin tone

Step 4: Set with translucent powder

Step 5: Apply brown eyeshadow in the space created for the cut and line the inside with black eyeshadow and the outer areas of the cut with red or pink eyeshadow, blend properly

Step 6: Fake blood hack- get some red lipstick and mix it with lipgloss then apply on the cut where necessary

And voila! You have your fake wound

I hope you enjoyed this lazy tutorial. If you ever want to try this out, I would love to see how it came out so please tag or share your pictures with me on social media ❤️

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope to see you in my next post.